Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is this Huna?

I am a spiritual Seeker and set out to learn some Hawaiian Mysticism. I came across Vince Wingo's website that promised all kinds of stuff on the DVD's.

Now I am expressing my Constitutional Right to write about my experience as a consumer here.

I ordered the Kahuna Secrets Training DVD's. It promised all kinds of cool things. It even promised a:

"... you risk absolutely nothing with our "No-Hassle 60-day Money-Back-Guarantee" ... so ACT NOW!"

Great! But wow! $397! That's pretty steep. But there is a lot of information that Vince promised that I would learn. So I went ahead and ordered the DVD's.
I received them pretty quickly. In about 10 business days. I was excited and put in the first DVD.

I could barely hear what was being said, I had to turn the volume all the way up. The background noise was extremely distracting. Then the DVD would stop and then start up again in the middle of a sentence. I just missed out on the hands on information.
Then one DVD the background noise was attempted to be taken out. Trying to listen was like trying to pull teeth out of an elephant!

I called Vince and told him my concerns and that I wanted to return the DVD's. He said that was fine. He did post about a newer set of DVD's that just came out. I told him I would give those a try and hoped that the sound and picture quality were improved.

I sent the KaHuna Secrets DVD's back and went ahead and ordered the New Huna Practitioner Training DVD's. on June 15th.

Well July 15th comes rolling around and I shoot off an email to Vince asking if my order had been shipped.

Here is the response I got:

Aloha ----,

Your package was flagged for fraud investigation because you returned them after ordering additional products. I can't complete it until I get your package back from the FBI office.

What? Wait a minute! So I checked the USPS tracking number and it showed that my return had been delivered to his house! Something was fishy.
I tried to get a response. Nothing! I realized that he has not given me my money back AND he did not ship the new DVD's. So he in fact had the money for both orders.
Still no response.

I went to Paypal to see about getting this situation fixed. So I now have a claim with Vince.

Interesting. When I did get the first set of DVD's, there was hardly any Huna taught. When some Huna topics came up, he said, get this book and read it. Well shit. I can just go on Amazon and get the book for under 10 bucks. Why spend almost $400 for very unprofessional DVDs?

Then on the DVD's I could understand, he was pretty much teaching the Silva Method. As I'm listening, I realize he is READING the meditation exactly word for word on the meditation CD's for the Silva Method!

So I did a little research on Rev. Vince. Turns out he posted on Facebook that he had become Christian. Now I am personally not Christian but many of my friends and family are. And for a Christian to be both Christian and a Huna practitioner would be considered serving two Masters. Or in my book, hypocritical.

So needless to say, I've decided to write about my experience as a consumer and how so far I've been treated by Vince. He told Paypal that I copied the DVD's. First of all, I couldn't understand more than half of what was said on the DVDs, why the hell would I copy them? AND why the hell would I go ahead and order the newer DVD's?

Really I just wanted to learn about Huna. But another Red Flag appeared. Vince is NOT Hawaiian. From what I saw, I could stereotype him....

Buyer beware! He offers a Hassle Free money back guarantee. Well I'm going through quite a bit of hassle! He has $776 of my money. It's not so much the money, it's how this person that calls himself a spiritual teacher is treating me.

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