I have been doing a lot of work on myself to release the experience. I am practicing Ho'oponopono with this experience. I refuse to vibrationally sink down to this persons level. Though revenge is very sweet. Even the thought of revenge makes me feel better. I've put some things out there to the Universe to set things back to balance especially with myself. If they happen, they happen. If not, that's okay too.
I've got a lot to do and I had a meditation last night that confirmed that the path I'm on is the right one. I've set some things in motion and they will come to an end in their own time.
My hope is that people do a search on this guy before they spend any money or expend any of their precious energy with this person.
If you're thinking about getting his DVD's, let me help you save yourself a TON of money. On the internet you can find free information on Ho'oponopono. There's tons of free stuff on Youtube. There is lots of stuff on breathing exercises. And get the Silva Method. That's pretty much what Vince teaches in the KaHuna Secrets DVD's. Yeah, he talks about Max Freedom Long in the DVD's but then he says, "buy this book." Well, shit! Spend $400 on a lousy recorded DVD's to teach me the Silva Method and then tell me to buy a book!
There are some great books by
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