Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Vinson Wingo is the Darth Vader of Huna"

An update. I am very pleased with the outcome. I got my money back. And I have some stuff in the works for Mr. Vince.

I would like to thank those that have had experiences with Vince Wingo and sending me private emails and messages. I've gotten help from people that know him personally. Thank you very much!

I found a site that says a LOT about the personality of Mr. Vince Wingo. Notice I don't call him Rev. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that abuses their titles. I am a Spiritual Counselor and only a few close people know of my Reverend and Doctor of Divinity credentials.  

Interesting Site that called Vince Wingo, "Vinson Wingo is the Darth Vader of huna." (Thank you The Talker)
He really is using dark magic. I've had to protect myself from his spells (thought forms) towards me. 

I had a Shaman put very powerful protections around me and this person is a dream walker and accessed his dreams. The Shaman told me anyone that learns this type of stuff and then instead of practicing it for the good of himself and others, he focuses on how he could make money and control it, is not nearly as powerful to put any kind of spells on me that would have any power to them. They will only fail. The Shaman also said that Vince is becoming paranoid. But I did feel Vicne was trying to put thought forms on me.

So I feel protected and Vince cannot harm me in anyway. I was also told by the Shaman that his physical and mental health are failing. He also said that Vince is having relationship problems with friends and family. So he is already weakened. I can feel that to be true. 

I just don't want what happened to me happen to anyone else. Please read from the end to now to get the whole story. Again, this is my side of the story. This is my experience with dealing with Huna Research, Inc. and with James Vinson Wingo and the huna-ohana websites including the one on Ning. 

There are some really great resources out there on Huna and Shamanism and healing. Learn it all and then take what resonates with you and add it to your tool box of healing. Heal yourself and heal those you love. 

I just got this email from Vince:



... just confirmed!

No outsiders giving their opinions, just 84 years combined experience presenting the culmination of research gathered over the past 250 years ... some of which is being revealed for the very first time ever!

The "Wingo Boys"
... "Otha Wingo 'n' Son"

Dr. E. Otha Wingo and Rev. James Vincent Wingo, DD
"together on-stage"

Aloha y'all,

The Annual Huna World Convention has been going on since 1977 and it just keeps getting better, and ... for the first time in history ... it's going to be just me and Dad on-stage!

Make your plans now
, because it's first-come-first-served, just like at the dinner table.
How the students USE what we're going to reveal will determine if we ever teach this again, and ... for security reasons ... nothing will be filmed.

This is it, y'all.

If you miss it, then it's gone forever.

We're being very careful and keeping the class smaller than usual so we can personally work with every single person as needed!

So grab your chance NOW wit h your deposit, or register on-line ...

... go to

Don't risk missing out on being a part of something huge ...


It is clear that Yates is no longer teaching with him and no longer using his company to film the workshops. They are keeping things very secret! LOL 

It's Huna with a Red Neck twist from the Wingo Boys ya'll! 

"for security reasons" it wont be filmed....yeah fear has taken over Vince. And just him and Dad ya'll. This really verifies to me that it's working!!! What I've put in the works for Mr. Vince is working! I think others have sent him some interesting energy as well. So I don't take all the credit. ;) The Shaman is right! That Vince was working with others on this Huna World Conference and now I bet those people don't want anything to do with Vince now.

Please! Risk missing out on this side show! You can learn more from the Silva Method and taking some courses on NLP  and Energy Medicine. What this fake is teaching is NOT Huna or anything even remotely close to Huna.  There are some great books on Huna from authors on Amazon. Look for the ones that Vince himself slammed and buy those. You know, those that teach something that Vince wants kept secret.

Someone noted that on his Facebook he got his Dr. of Divinity degree from the University of Science and Philosophy. Just pay $200 for the home study course and get your degree!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another Opinion of Mr. Wingo

I found another complaint that the DVD's sold by Mr. Wingo is "Silva" like! I'm not familiar with Energy Medicine by Donna Eden, but the complaint claims that he's basically teaching that too!

I'm going to check out Energy Medicine on Amazon. There are lots of reviews about this book. I have not read them yet, but another suggestion is to get these books instead of buying the DVD's.

So......Learn breathing exercises, The Silva Method, Energy Medicine and NLP. There you have it.  Just go to the source that first taught these things. To me this is out right plagiarism. I have a feeling it's going to catch up with him in a karmic way.

Back to Zero Good Bye Vince Wingo

I have been doing a lot of work on myself to release the experience. I am practicing Ho'oponopono with this experience. I refuse to vibrationally sink down to this persons level. Though revenge is very sweet. Even the thought of revenge makes me feel better. I've put some things out there to the Universe to set things back to balance especially with myself. If they happen, they happen. If not, that's okay too.

I've got a lot to do and I had a meditation last night that confirmed that the path I'm on is the right one. I've set some things in motion and they will come to an end in their own time.
My hope is that people do a search on this guy before they spend any money or expend any of their precious energy with this person.

If you're thinking about getting his DVD's, let me help you save yourself a TON of money. On the internet you can find free information on Ho'oponopono. There's tons of free stuff on Youtube. There is lots of stuff on breathing exercises. And get the Silva Method. That's pretty much what Vince teaches in the KaHuna Secrets DVD's. Yeah, he talks about Max Freedom Long in the DVD's but then he says, "buy this book." Well, shit! Spend $400 on a lousy recorded DVD's to teach me the Silva Method and then tell me to buy a book!

There are some great books by Serge King on Huna that have great reviews on Amazon. Even though Vince slammed the books in the reviews, that made me want to read them even more. Vince is afraid of anyone taking Huna to the general public. He wants to keep control over it. Well this wanting to keep control is what's going to bring him down. I've read all over the internet of complaints of this guy not responding to emails. The information about Huna is out there. Don't spend your money with Huna Research Inc. 

Again, these words are my experience and I'm expressing my right to tell about my personal experience. These words are true. I never intentionally slander anybody! Doing this type of blog is so not me. But I felt the need to put this out there if it could just help one other person not get taken by this guy. Then I did the right thing. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Completely Full of himself

On Wikipedia here's what the in-famous Vince said about himself. I mean it's completely laughable!

Vince Wingo High Priest of Hawaiian Hale o 'I'o

I'm finding more and more pages of complaints about this guy. I hope people find this BEFORE they buy any of his crap.

I just discovered that what he said about himself on Wikipedia basically he named himself a High KaHuna. That to me would be a major insult to Hawaiians.

This picture of Vince is pretty dam creepy!

Update from Mr. Rev James Vinson Wingo, DD

Well I got my money back from the second shipment he never sent me through Paypal. But because the returned item was over 45 days old, I could not file a claim with Paypal. So......

I am in the process of getting some stuff in order. Don't want to spoil it here.

This man has become completely paranoid. I heard from others that he is blocking people out of his Ning social network. People are losing interest in his so called Huna teaching. I learned most of Huna through my LomiLomi training. It's not that complicated. But he adds other teachings into it. There was definitely plagiarism with the Silva Method. Speaking the Alpha meditation exactly word for word in his workshop and then turning around and selling that for almost $400.


If you interested in Huna, get some books off of Amazon. Save your money. This guy is a fraud. He's got so many websites and blogs. That should have been a red flag. Just do a search on Vince Wingo.

I've learned that it is a fact that he had a heart attack last winter of 2009. For a Huna practitioner that should not happen. AND he's got Asperger's Syndrome. For someone that brags about healing a broken bone, he can't heal his Asperger's? Well the strange behavior would make sense here.
Here is what he wrote on one of his many blogs:

I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrom in 1999 and, since that time, I've have overcome many of the limitations imposed on me by NTs.

But treating people like they are out to get you. Well I guess I'm just mirroring what he's putting out. 

He says that Christians are False Prophet. He also has articles on How to Get the Girl using Ho'Oponopono. A TRUE Huna practitioner would NEVER have a thought like that. That is a ploy to sucker people into buying his crap.

This is Vince talking about the power of Huna:
.. and some people find that power "intoxicating." Some people only care about how much money they can make off people in need.

This is exactly what has happened to him! Instead of finding the love and doing things for the good of all, he is helping himself from the good of all. Interesting.

Something for everyone that is a Seeker to remember. The Truth is within YOU. When you find your Truth, you blossom when you share it. You end up like this guy when you charge astronomical fees and let it all go to your head. Something happens to a person inside. You have to give AND take. Not just take and take and take.

These are MY personal opinions based on my experience with this person. Hopefully people will do a search and find this before they give this phony any of their money.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Visit from Max Freedom Long

Max Freedom Long came to visit me during a meditation. The reason Max took Mr. Wingo under his wing is because he was affiliated with a University. Max wanted the Huna research to continue and be documented. He wanted it to be available to everyone. Max was open with what he learned about Huna.
Mr. Wingo's son Vince started to take over the research and got his grubby paws on the information. He tainted Huna with NLP and other non Huna philosophies. Vince discovered he can make a ton of money teaching Huna.

Max passed in the early 70's.At least that's what he told me. Vince was just a boy at the time. As Vince got older and started learning about Huna from his father, he liked the attention he was getting. Max tried to contact Vince. He came to him in dreams to let him know that making money was not his intention. Vince was making the information only available to the elite. This was not what Max intention. He wanted his research to continue and be documented with the University. That's the reason Max left it to Mr. Wingo. Mr. Wingo promised Max that he would carry on his work.

Mr. Wingo tried going to Hawaii, but the Hawaiians closed him out. At least this is what Max has told me. Actually the Hawaiians do not want Mr. Wingo and his son Vince to ever set foot in Hawaii again. They will not stand by and watch their sacred practices and culture be exploited.

Max tried to come to Vince, but Vince has been closed off to Max. He is driven by greed and people looking 'up to him' as a KaHuna. Max said Vince was 'Lording it over' which was a Karmic lesson Vince has to learn. To realize that he is not above anyone else ever. Max tried to tell Vince that he is no KaHuna. That Vince was taking advantage of the information.
Vince would not listen. Max came to Vince late last year to tell him that he broke his heart. Max had such a broken heart and Vince finally felt it. Vince has a heart attack in December of 2009.
It became obvious to many that Vince himself had not been practicing what he preached. So he decided to keep the information about his heart attack only in his small circle.

If it got out that Vince had a heart attack, his credibility would be shot. He is trying to bring in others to teach the Huna philosophy. These others know about his broken heart and the fact that he can't heal it through Huna. They keep his secret and carry on the greed of teaching Huna to those that are drawn to it but can't access it.

After the meditation and the visit from Max Freedom Long, I had an understanding and a knowing that I can't explain. Max also told me not to worry about what's going on with me and Vince. I will be okay. Vince, not so much. He is breaching copyright information and those people are becoming aware of it. Max is making sure of it. He is helping Vince with his Karmic lesson. Vince is going to have another heart attack or stroke if he does not stop what he is doing with Max's research.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Update from the Viking KaHuna

Well it turns out Mr. Rev James Vinson Wingo, DD's Father Dr. E. Otha Wingo is a Freemasonry.
He claims that Max Freedom Long succeeded him and passed Huna on to him. Why would Max do that? Does Mr. Wingo have documented proof? Huna does not BELONG to anyone. No one has a right to Huna. Well the Hawaiians have a right to Huna. From what I understand, the Hawaiians do not want the Wingo's to ever step foot in Hawaii. They are marketing their sacred religion and profiting from it.

Now if you look at a picture of Vince, he does not LOOK like a KaHuna. Well from my dealings with him, he is NO KaHuna! All I can think of when I look at the picture with judgment is 'Red Neck White Trash'. But I'm not one to look through my judgmental lens. I like to think I practice non-judgment. But my treatment by this man that calls himself a Reverend and a Huna teacher has brought out my judgmental lens. I don't like what I'm seeing in myself when I look through that lens.

There has to be a reason why this man is acting in such a way. He posted on his Huna Ning group that there are charges of fraud pending against me. This is an outright lie! Why would a Huna teacher do such a thing? I called the FBI and confirmed that there are no charges pending against me. The FBI suggested I file a fraud case against him with the Postal Inspectors Office.

I ordered DVD's that according to his website I was supposed to learn a whole host of things about Huna. I received the DVD's. OMG DO NOT buy the KaHuna Secrets DVD's. They are unprofessionally recorded and the picture and sound quality are awful!
I called him and said I was sending them back. Now I ordered the Huna Training DVD's. I cannot comment on those as of yet because I have not received them yet. Yes, I do understand that I should have waited for the refund before ordering. Yes, I get that. But he is a Reverend and a Huna teacher! I guess my guard was down. Note to self: Only learn Huna from a Hawaiian Huna teacher.

Do not do business with this man. If you can call him a man.
I know that he apparently had a heart attack last December. Well the blood flow to his brain must be impaired. This man has become paranoid, from my experience and in my opinion with my dealings with him.

These statements are from my personal experience with this man. I am expressing my first amendment right to express myself here. This is my experience in dealing with this man.
If this can help one other person not be taken by this man, then it will be worth it.

I am also filing a mail fraud case with the USPS. I talked with Linda, Postal Inspector in Missouri and she is helping me file a claim.
I called the FBI office in his area and talked with FBI agent Aaron Seamends and he said that they have no charges against me and they do not have the package that Vince claims that they do. Agent Seamends was very helpful.

I am working on a spell right now for Mr. Wingo. I will send it up when the moon is full on July 25th. My intention is to right the wrong and to heal. I have his full name, his address and phone number. So the spell will work wonderfully!

I know this will get taken care of on my end. I know Mr. Wingo will get what's coming to him. Karma will make sure of that.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is this Huna?

I am a spiritual Seeker and set out to learn some Hawaiian Mysticism. I came across Vince Wingo's website that promised all kinds of stuff on the DVD's.

Now I am expressing my Constitutional Right to write about my experience as a consumer here.

I ordered the Kahuna Secrets Training DVD's. It promised all kinds of cool things. It even promised a:

"... you risk absolutely nothing with our "No-Hassle 60-day Money-Back-Guarantee" ... so ACT NOW!"

Great! But wow! $397! That's pretty steep. But there is a lot of information that Vince promised that I would learn. So I went ahead and ordered the DVD's.
I received them pretty quickly. In about 10 business days. I was excited and put in the first DVD.

I could barely hear what was being said, I had to turn the volume all the way up. The background noise was extremely distracting. Then the DVD would stop and then start up again in the middle of a sentence. I just missed out on the hands on information.
Then one DVD the background noise was attempted to be taken out. Trying to listen was like trying to pull teeth out of an elephant!

I called Vince and told him my concerns and that I wanted to return the DVD's. He said that was fine. He did post about a newer set of DVD's that just came out. I told him I would give those a try and hoped that the sound and picture quality were improved.

I sent the KaHuna Secrets DVD's back and went ahead and ordered the New Huna Practitioner Training DVD's. on June 15th.

Well July 15th comes rolling around and I shoot off an email to Vince asking if my order had been shipped.

Here is the response I got:

Aloha ----,

Your package was flagged for fraud investigation because you returned them after ordering additional products. I can't complete it until I get your package back from the FBI office.

What? Wait a minute! So I checked the USPS tracking number and it showed that my return had been delivered to his house! Something was fishy.
I tried to get a response. Nothing! I realized that he has not given me my money back AND he did not ship the new DVD's. So he in fact had the money for both orders.
Still no response.

I went to Paypal to see about getting this situation fixed. So I now have a claim with Vince.

Interesting. When I did get the first set of DVD's, there was hardly any Huna taught. When some Huna topics came up, he said, get this book and read it. Well shit. I can just go on Amazon and get the book for under 10 bucks. Why spend almost $400 for very unprofessional DVDs?

Then on the DVD's I could understand, he was pretty much teaching the Silva Method. As I'm listening, I realize he is READING the meditation exactly word for word on the meditation CD's for the Silva Method!

So I did a little research on Rev. Vince. Turns out he posted on Facebook that he had become Christian. Now I am personally not Christian but many of my friends and family are. And for a Christian to be both Christian and a Huna practitioner would be considered serving two Masters. Or in my book, hypocritical.

So needless to say, I've decided to write about my experience as a consumer and how so far I've been treated by Vince. He told Paypal that I copied the DVD's. First of all, I couldn't understand more than half of what was said on the DVDs, why the hell would I copy them? AND why the hell would I go ahead and order the newer DVD's?

Really I just wanted to learn about Huna. But another Red Flag appeared. Vince is NOT Hawaiian. From what I saw, I could stereotype him....

Buyer beware! He offers a Hassle Free money back guarantee. Well I'm going through quite a bit of hassle! He has $776 of my money. It's not so much the money, it's how this person that calls himself a spiritual teacher is treating me.